
Cancellations & No Shows

Cancellation under 24 hours or a No Show will be charged the FULL price of the appointment.



Listed pricing are starting base price estimates. Pets who require longer grooming sessions will be charged according to the amount of time needed to complete services.



All payments must be completed at the end of the service.Cash, Check and Zelle are accepted


Rabies Vaccine

Rabies vaccine expiration dates are required. It will be located on the vaccine paperwork. Tags do not have the date.


Regular Grooming Schedule

Each dog will need to be on a regular grooming schedule every 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 weeks MAXIMUM. This is required to remain active on our client list.


Right To Refuse Service

I have the right to end or refuse service to health or behavioral issues for any dog. Safety is the most important thing for your pet and myself.

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